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Welcome to GAOTE

Global Association of Online Trainers and Examiners (GAOTE) is a non-profit organization incorporated in Delaware, USA. Its main mission is to support online examiners and trainers in the design and delivery of high-quality online courses and assessments that meet global standards and expectations. It does this through assessing the adequacy of curriculums and accreditation of online courses. Its secondary mission is to provide a platform where awarding/examining institutions, scholars and trainers share academic certification information to users through their permanent open access identifiers.

Our Services

  • To provide guidance to online examiners and trainers on how to structure their online courses and examinations in a standard and yet dynamic way;
  • To make the online courses gain global accreditation and recognition;
  • To promote online education as a viable and valuable option for learners of all ages and backgrounds
  • To provide an open access identifier for awarding /examining institutions
  • To provide an open acces identifier for scholars
  • To provide an open access identifier for academic record such as courses
  • To provide an open access identifier for academic record such as course modules/units
  • To provide an open access identifier for academic document such as academic transcripts
  • To provide an open access identifier for academic document such as academic certificates
  • To provide users with a portal where they can access and verify academic record and documents

Our Stakeholders

  • Awarding/Examining institutions: They acquire a permanent identifier from GAOTE. They can then deposit information regarding their courses, modules/units, transcripts, academic certificates . They are also the voting members of GAOTE
  • Scholars: They are allocated a permanent identifier by GAOTE. They get a portal which gets populated with details such as: Identifier of Awarding/Examining instititution (if available), courses, modules/units, academic transcripts and certificates.
  • Trainers: They are allocated a permanent identifier by GAOTE. They get a portal which gets populated with details such as: Identifier of Awarding/Examining instititution (if available), courses, modules/units
  • General Users: These are employers or academic institutions which either want to verify the academic details of a potential job applicant for employment or for admission into an academic program.

Sample Institutional Identifiers

Sample Institution Member Certificate

Our Partners

University of the People

The GAOTE System

The Global Association of Online Trainers and Examiners (GAOTE) is a non-profit organization that aims to promote the quality and recognition of online education. One of its main goals is to create a universal system of academic identifiers that can be used by scholars to showcase their achievements and qualifications from different online learning platforms and institutions.

By using a unique identifier, scholars can easily link their academic records from various sources and display them in a unified and comprehensive way. This would allow them to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in a more holistic and accurate manner, compared to the traditional method of presenting certificates from individual providers. Moreover, this would also facilitate the verification and validation of academic credentials by employers, educators, and other stakeholders, as they can access the complete and verified information from a single source.