Curriculum Assessment and Course Accreditation

Flow Chart

Some of the factors/indicators that GAOTE uses  to review a curriculum and accredit a course are listed below. GAOTE reserves the right to amend the factors and scores.

Preliminary Guide

  • Ensure there is a Preface or Foreword
  • Ensure there is an acknowledgement
  • Ensure there is mention of  either Trend Analysis or Training Need Analysis or Industry Involvement in the design of the curriculum in the Acknowledgement
  • Ensure there is detailed information about the submitter

Course Overview and Objectives

  • Evaluate the clarity and coherence of the course objectives

  • Ensure alignment between objectives and the overall course goals

Transferability of courses

  • Ensure that the number of contact hours are clearly indicated
  • Ensure that the number of indirect/non-classroom hours are clearly indicated
  • Ensure that the credit hours can easily be calculated

Content and Syllabus

  • Review the comprehensiveness and relevance of the content covered
  • Assess the sequence and organization of topics in the syllabus
  • Verify that the content meets industry standards and reflects current best practices

Preliminary Guide

  • Ensure there is a Preface or Foreword
  • Ensure there is an acknowledgement
  • Ensure there is mention of  either Trend Analysis or Training Need Analysis or Industry Involvement in the design of the curriculum in the Acknowledgement
  • Ensure there is detailed information about the submitter

Course Overview and Objectives

  • Evaluate the clarity and coherence of the course objectives

  • Ensure alignment between objectives and the overall course goals

Transferability of courses

  • Ensure that the number of contact hours are clearly indicated
  • Ensure that the number of indirect/non-classroom hours are clearly indicated
  • Ensure that the credit hours can easily be calculated

Transferability of courses

  • Ensure that the number of contact hours are clearly indicated
  • Ensure that the number of indirect/non-classroom hours are clearly indicated
  • Ensure that the credit hours can easily be calculated

Learning Materials and Resources

  • Examine the quality and diversity of learning materials (e.g., textbooks, articles, multimedia resources)
  • Ensure accessibility and availability of resources to all learners
  • Evaluate the appropriateness of supplementary materials for different learning styles and needs

Assessment Methods

  • Analyze the variety and appropriateness of assessment methods (e.g., exams, projects, presentations)
  • Check for alignment between assessment methods and learning objectives
  • Assess the clarity and fairness of grading criteria and rubrics.


  • Clarity and appropriateness of language used in instructional materials.
  • Consideration of language proficiency levels of learners

Pedagogical Approaches

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of teaching strategies and methodologies
  • Consider the incorporation of active learning, collaborative activities, and real-world applications
  • Assess opportunities for student engagement and interaction

Instructor Qualifications and Support

  • Review qualifications and expertise of instructors
  • Evaluate support systems for instructors, including training and professional development opportunities
  • Ensure instructors are accessible and responsive to student needs

Diversity and Inclusivity

  • Evaluate the inclusivity of course materials and activities, considering diverse perspectives and experiences
  • Assess the provision of support for learners from different backgrounds and abilities
  • Ensure the promotion of a respectful and supportive learning environment

Continuous Improvement and Evaluation

  • Review mechanisms for collecting feedback from students and stakeholders
  • Assess processes for course evaluation and modification based on feedback and assessment data
  • Ensure a commitment to ongoing improvement and adaptation to changing needs and circumstances

Accreditation Standards and Compliance

  • Ensure the examiner/Institution is accredited by a local regulator
  • Verify that the course is accredited by a local regulator
  • Verify compliance with accreditation standards and guidelines set by other relevant accrediting bodies or institutions

Student reviews and testimonials

  • Verify that the course has adequate online reviews

Costs and value

  • Cost of the course relative to the value it provides, considering the depth and breadth of content
  • Assess the potential for career advancement


GuidelineStandardsScoreSubmitters self-assessed scoreSubmitters Remark if anyReviewers ScoreReviewers Remarks
Preliminary Guide
  • Ensure there is a Preface or Foreword
  • Ensure there is an acknowledgement
  • Ensure there is  mention of  either Trend Analysis or Training Need Analysis or Industry Involvement in the design of the curriculum in the Acknowledgement
  •  Ensure there is detailed information about the submitter
Course Overview and Objectives
  • Evaluate the clarity and coherence of the course objectives
  • Ensure alignment between objectives and the overall course goals
Transferability of courses
  • Ensure that the number of contact hours are clearly indicated
  • Ensure that the number of indirect/non-classroom hours are clearly indicated
  • Ensure that the credit hours can easily be calculated
Content and Syllabus
  • Review the comprehensiveness and relevance of the content covered
  • Assess the sequence and organization of topics in the syllabus
  • Verify that the content meets industry standards and reflects current best practices
Learning Materials and Resources
  • Examine the quality and diversity of learning materials (e.g., textbooks, articles, multimedia resources)
  • Ensure accessibility and availability of resources to all learners
  • Evaluate the appropriateness of supplementary materials for different learning styles and needs
Assessment Methods
  • Analyze the variety and appropriateness of assessment methods (e.g., exams, projects, presentations)
  • Check for alignment between assessment methods and learning objectives
  • Assess the clarity and fairness of grading criteria and rubrics.
  • Clarity and appropriateness of language used in instructional materials.
  • Consideration of language proficiency levels of learners
Pedagogical Approaches
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of teaching strategies and methodologies
  • Consider the incorporation of active learning, collaborative activities, and real-world applications
  • Assess opportunities for student engagement and interaction
Instructor Qualifications and Support
  • Review qualifications and expertise of instructors
  • Evaluate support systems for instructors, including training and professional development opportunities
  • Ensure instructors are accessible and responsive to student needs
Technology Integration
  • Assess the integration of technology to enhance learning experiences
  • Ensure compatibility and usability of technological tools and platforms
  • Evaluate the provision of technical support for both instructors and learners
Diversity and Inclusivity
  • Evaluate the inclusivity of course materials and activities, considering diverse perspectives and experiences
  • Assess the provision of support for learners from different backgrounds and abilities
  • Ensure the promotion of a respectful and supportive learning environment
Continuous Improvement and Evaluation
  • Review mechanisms for collecting feedback from students and stakeholders
  • Assess processes for course evaluation and modification based on feedback and assessment data
  • Ensure a commitment to ongoing improvement and adaptation to changing needs and circumstances
Accreditation Standards and Compliance
  • Ensure the examiner/Institution is accredited by a local regulator
  • Verify that the course is accredited  by a local regulator
  • Verify compliance with accreditation standards and guidelines set by other relevant accrediting bodies or institutions
Student reviews and testimonials
  • Verify that the course has adequate online reviews
Costs and value
  • Cost of the course relative to the value it provides, considering the depth and breadth of content
  •  Assess the potential for career advancement
Total 100X  Y 

Submitter Self Assessment Score X  
Reviewers Score y  
Average Score (X+Y)/2  
Keys Interpretation  
80-100 Excellent  
60-79 Highly Adequate  
50-59 Adequate  
Below 50 Inadequate