For an institution to be globally accredited, it needs to give a sense of assurance to online and physical community that it is putting in place or has put in place the right systems to ensure the achievement of its mission and vision. The check list includes;

  1. Legal registration in the country of origin
  2. Physical address of the main promoter or authorized officer and institution
  3. Website and social media handles
  4. Have a clear organization profile complete with vision and mission
  5. Have a clear organization structure showing various administration functions/offices
  6. Have clear governance structure such as a board of directors or council of governors
  7. Have a set of important institutional policies
  8. Have a list of core administrative staff
  9. Have a list of tutors
  10. Have a functional LMS
  11. Check for any other accreditations
  12. Check for student reviews
  13. Check for collaborations and partnerships with other institutions

There are three levels of accreditation, Delayed Accreditation, Interim Accreditation, and Full Accreditation

Delayed Accreditation, Interim Accreditation and Full Global Accreditation

  1. An institution should apply for full accreditation from the onset at cost of $500
  2. If it scores less than 50%, it will be given an opportunity to address the shortfalls and resubmit the accreditation form and pay half the fee ($250) at each resubmission, until it achieves, either interim or full accreditation.
  3. For an institution to achieve Interim Accreditation, an institution should meet a score of 51%-75%.
  4. Once an institution has made improvements suggested under the outcome of an interim accreditation, it can apply for a full accreditation by paying half the fee ($250) fee.
  5. Should the institution fail to make the score of full accreditations (76% and above) the institution will be given an opportunity to pay half of the fee ($250) for every resubmission until it qualifies for full accreditation.