A premium membership is acquired after an institution member pays an annual subscription fee of $350. The premium membership gives a member the following benefits:

  1. Free Institutional Identifier
  2. Free membership certificate
  3. Right to request and pay for Digital Course Identifiers (DCI), Digital Module Identifiers (DMI), Digital Transcript Identifiers (DTI), Digital Academic Certificate
  4. A dashboard for listing your institutional contacts and social media handles and hence improving brand awareness of your institution
  5. Right to vote in AGMS
  6. Right to participate in governance of GAOTE by being appointed in governance committees
  7. Right to request for institutional accreditation at a preferential cost
  8. Right to request for course accreditation at a preferential cost
  9. Premium Membership Certificate
  10. Access to potential online students
  11. Access to potential online tutors
  12. Access to potential online service providers e.g LMS service providers, Digital Course developers
  13. A blog article showcasing the partnership and authored by GAOTE
  14. Benefit to participate in conferences at a discounted cost
  15. Use of privileged resources such as APIs in the management of identifiers.

What are the requirements for institutional membership?

  • Demonstrated desire to offer accredited online courses for first timers. Course providers who are already providing online courses get an automatic qualification to be institution members after paying the membership fee
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