

The following permanent unique identifiers are provided to anyone who require then at no cost

Scholar Identifier

A permanent identifier for a scholar is free of charge

Trainer Identifier

A permanent identifier for a trainer is free of charge

Awarding Institution Identifier

A permanent identifier for an awarding institution is given free of charge

Digital Document Identifier

The following can be purchased by an institution once it has successfully registered and acquired portal login details. The ability to request for and purchase credits which can be used in acquiring identifiers is inside the portal

Digital course identifiers (DCI) Pricing

Individual Credit (1 Credit)

USD 30.00

5-20 Credits

USD 25.00

2-4 Credits

USD 27.00

More than 20 Credits

USD 23.00

Digital Module Identifier (DMI) Pricing

Individual Credit (1 Credit)

USD 5.00

2-4 Credits

USD 4.00

5-20 Credits

USD 3.00

More than 20 Credits

USD 2.00

Digital Transcript​ Identifier (DTI) Pricing

Individual Credit (1 Credit)

USD 1.00

5-20 Credits

USD 0.80

2-4 Credits

USD 0.60

More than 20 Credits

USD 0.50

Digital Academic Certificate​ Identifier (DAC) Pricing

Individual Credit (1 Credit)

USD 1.00

2-4 Credits

USD 0.80

5-20 Credits

USD 0.60

More than 20 Credits

USD 0.50

Cost of Course Review and Accreditation

The cost for reviewing a curriculum and accrediting a course is as follows:

Courses with less than 15 credit hours

USD 100.00

Courses with 15 to 30 credit hours

USD 150.00

Courses with 31-60 credit hours

USD 200.00

Courses with 61-120 credit hours

USD 250.00